Why Mediation?
Here's the key information you need to know when deciding if mediation
might be the right choice for you.
Cost & Speed: Mediation enables disputes to be resolved more quickly and amicably than through the Court system and is usually significantly cheaper.
Effective: Mediators will encourage reality-testing options to ensure proposals are viable. We can provide information on how to formalise decisions taken in mediation to achieve a legally binding outcome.
Supported: The mediator will encourage you to explore options and help you to identify and discuss the critical issues and how they may affect you both.
Keeping Control: Mediation recognises that you know your family best. You can retain control of these crucial decisions rather than for the outcome to be determined by a third party such as a Judge or Arbitrator.
Child-Focused: It promotes a co-operative approach to co-parenting through sharing information. Mediation encourages open and constructive dialogue for the benefit of children and parents. Mediators can arrange Child Inclusive Mediation where appropriate.
Collaborative: We can help you to identify other professionals who can offer support and guidance including financial advisors, legal advisors, pension experts, therapists and counsellors (for adults and children).